Monday, January 5, 2009

My Thoughts everybody out there reading my blog.....

This blog of mine is a reflection of my own mind and has some of my thoughts written on it.....

My Thoughts : part 1

Being lonely is a feeling we have encountered at some point of our life. One has to be lonely.You cannot escape it.But people always shy away from the fact that they have lonely at all.But deep down inside of you there is a voice that tells you that you have to be alone at some point of your time.....
why do we fear of being alone...Is it because we humans are social beings or is it that we know that it is a fact and yet we like others like to stay in the dark....
Some one in the distant past told that " we come alone to this world and we go alone from this world". Why do you feel alone. why do you cry inside and yet try to fake a smile in front of others.Being alone is a dreadful thing yet it is to be embraced with your heart .Being alone can be frustrating at times.You might like breaking the chains of bondage and run away but by doing so you miss an important lesson. By being alone you get the time put some light on your nature.

"All the world's a stage,
and all the men and women merely players:
they have their exits and their entrances;
and one man in his time plays many parts..."
The above mentioned lines are written by the famous playwright "William Shakespeare" and one in their entire lifetime play done many masks that they lose their real identity. Our face is hidden by many masks we wear , but by being lonely we tend to enter into a place, a void region filled with questions that we tend push back . And admist all this chaos lies one very important question that is " Who Am I".